Call for Papers
Possession and Distribution of Books: doctoral workshop
31 October 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Collecting Revolution: The History and Importance of the Thomason Tracts
7-8 July 2008
British Library & University College
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Institute for Advanced Study Opportunities 2008-09
Sunday, March 18, 2007
NEH Research Fellowship at Saint Louis University, 2007-08
Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Saint Louis
Applicants must possess an earned doctorate or be a Ph.D.-candidate at the dissertation stage. Topics proposed for research may include any subject in areas such as paleography, codicology, illumination, text editing, history, philosophy, theology, science, literature, scriptural and patristic studies, Roman and Canon law, etc. Highest priority will be given to applicants who can identify specific materials in the collections and who possess the requisite paleographic and linguistic skills to take full advantage of them. Scholars affiliated with
Thursday, 22 March
4:30 p.m.
Alexander Library - Pane Room
“What is a Book? Repetition and its Compulsions in Sixteenth-Century French Book Illustration”
This talk concerns the reuse or reiteration of images across the "corpus" of one prolific and influential early 16th century Parisian printer-bookseller, Denis Janot. Active in
The central thesis of the paper is that, followed to its logical consequences, Janot's extensive recycling of images requires us to rethink how we understand the book as an emerging object in the early years of the 16th century, unsettling our modern notion of the book object as a discrete and autonomous unit.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Call for Papers
The Culture of the Publisher's Series 1700-2000
An International Conference to be held on 18 -19 October 2007 at the
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
104 East 25th Street New York, NY 10010
Nostradamus Early Printed Book Sale
April 23, 2007
Offers 16th-18th century Books from the Nostradamus Library of the late Daniel Ruzo, the finest private collection devoted to the 16th-century French astrologer and seer, followed by a general section of Early Printed Books.
More info here
Friday, March 09, 2007
BSA Occasional Publications
Oakknoll Press
Reformation pamphlets were among the first rare book acquisitions of American libraries. Gatch traces the remarkable history of the Leander van Ess collection purchased by the Union Theological Seminary in 1838, the first and largest collection of these religious tracts to arrive in
A Conference in Honor of W. Speed Hill
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday, March 9
4:00 p.m. (Skylight Room)
Keynote Speakers:
Seth Lerer,
"From Medieval to Early Modern: Books and Readers of the 1550s"
Margreta de Grazia,
"Common-placing Shakespeare's Sonnets"
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
ed. Simon Eliot and Jonathan Rose
Blackwell, forthcoming May 2007
From the early Sumerian clay tablet through to the emergence of the electronic text, this Blackwell Companion provides a continuous and coherent account of the history of the book.
More information here
Saturday, March 03, 2007
TEXTE Research Fellowships
[closing date 1 April 2007]
[closing date 1 August 2007]
Dr Sean Ryder
Department of English
Tel: +353-91-493009
Fax: +353-91-524102
Call for Papers
Imagining Readers, Imagining Nations, 1750-1850
Robert Lapp
Department of English Literatures
Sackville, NB, E4L 1G9